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Food and Menu Planning in Childcare Settings

Childcare settings are essential in providing children with supportive eating environments and play an important role in supporting children’s growth and development, health and well-being.  

Little girl eating a carrot

Menu Review Service  

Childcare centres located in Haldimand and Norfolk Counties can have their menus reviewed by a Registered Dietitian at the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit to ensure they are meeting the food and drink requirements of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. Menus can be submitted at any time during the year.  

How to get a menu reviewed 

Step 1: Read the menu submission instructions for how to submit a menu for review.  

Step 2: Fill out the menu template(s) 

Step 3: Submit your menu through our submission tool process 

Step 4: Receive feedback and work towards implementing any changes or suggestions if needed 


Resources to complement the Practical Guide:  

  • Sample Menus – Sample four-week menu cycle that incorporates different foods to align with the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide 

If you have any questions about menu planning or want support determining if your menu meets requirements, contact a public health dietitian at 519-426-6170 x 1111 or 905-318-6623.  

Additional Information:   

Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants (6-24 months)  

Learn more about Health Canada’s recommendations on feeding infants and young children from 6-24 months.  

Infant feeding and nutrition –  

Information about Common Food Allergies  

Online Nutrition Course for Child Care Providers  

Nourishing Beginnings is a free online early childhood nutrition program for childcare providers to build confidence in early childhood nutrition.   

Little Food Explorers Workshop for Child Care Providers  

A free online workshop for childcare providers to help toddlers and preschoolers develop positive feelings about food and eating.