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Routine Immunization


Routine Immunization

vaccine and immunization info

Upcoming Immunization Clinics

close up of young woman with orange bandage on her arm

Measles Vaccine Eligibility

Infants 6 months to 11 months

  • Eligible to receive one dose of MMR vaccine before travelling to an area where the disease is of concern outside of Canada.
  • Required to receive two doses after the first birthday, based on the routine immunization schedule (12 months of age and again at four to six years of age)

Children 12 months to 17 years of age

  • The first dose of measles-containing vaccine is given at 12 months of age. A second dose is routinely given between four and six years of age.
  • Children who have not received the measles-containing vaccine are recommended to receive two doses.

Adults 18 to 25 years

  • Adults 18 to 25 years should receive two doses of measles-containing vaccine. If only one dose was previously received, individuals in this age group are recommended to receive a second dose.

Adults 26 years of age and older and born in or after 1970

  • Adults who have not had a measles-containing vaccine can be immunized by receiving one dose of measles-containing vaccine
  • A second dose of measles-containing vaccine is also recommended for adults who meet the following criteria:
    • Health care workers
    • Post-secondary students
    • Military personnelAnyone travelling outside of Canada
    • Anyone based on the health care provider’s clinical judgement

Born prior to 1970

  • Considered to be immune
  • Eligible for 1 dose if travelling to an area where disease is of concern outside of Canada
  • eligible for two doses if a Health Care Worker or Military Personnel

For more information, please visit Public Health Ontario— Measles