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Heat Warning extended for Haldimand and Norfolk Counties

Environment and Climate Change Canada has forecasted that hot and humid conditions will continue until at least June 21, 2024.

Based on the information available, the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) has upgraded the Heat Warning to an Extended Heat Warning. The criteria for an Extended Heat Warning are daytime high temperatures reaching 31°C or greater and minimum overnight temperatures of 20°C or greater or humidex of 40 or greater, with hot and humid conditions lasting three or more consecutive days.  The Extended Heat Warning will be in effect until further notice.

These events can put the public at risk of serious heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Cooling spaces have been made available in public facilities across Haldimand and Norfolk counties, including libraries, swimming pools, splash pads and arenas. The HNHU encourages residents to take a break from the heat by visiting these spaces or cooling down in a shaded green space.

Members of the public should continue to check on family, friends, and neighbours to ensure they are cool and hydrated.

Recognizing the signs of heat stroke, a potentially life-threatening condition, is essential. If an individual exhibits a high body temperature and is either unconscious, confused or has stopped sweating, call 911 immediately. While waiting for help – steps should be taken to cool the person by moving them to a cool place, applying cold water to large areas of the skin or clothing and fanning the person as much as possible.

To learn more about heat-related illnesses and ways to stay safe, please visit and follow HNHU on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook.

To sign up to receive forecasted heat event emails from Environment and Climate Change Canada, visit
