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Category: Diseases

Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.

  • Grade 8 vaccination program will combat cervical cancer

    SIMCOE, ON, OCT. 5, 2007 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is distributing information kits through the schools starting Oct. 9 in preparation for a Grade 8 girls vaccination program that will significantly reduce the rate of cervical cancer. Health Unit Registered Nurses will administer the school-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination clinics in public, Catholic and […]

  • Health Unit again offering vaccines to Grade 7 students

    SIMCOE, ON, AUG. 23, 2007 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is again offering its annual hepatitis B and meningococcal C vaccines to Grade 7 students. “Information kits with consent forms have been sent to the schools and will be distributed to the children through their teachers in early September,” said Clinical Services Team Program Coordinator […]

  • Health Unit detects West Nile virus in our area

    SIMCOE, ON, AUG. 20, 2007 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit has detected West Nile virus in our area. “West Nile virus was found in one of our mosquito traps in Jarvis,” said Public Health Inspector Gary Nedlkou. The Health Unit monitors 18 mosquito traps weekly throughout Haldimand and Norfolk counties. This is the first positive […]

  • Beware of ticks and Lyme disease, Health Unit cautions

    SIMCOE, ON, AUG. 3, 2007 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is urging area residents to beware of ticks that could carry Lyme disease. “A lot of people are out and about these days and ticks are definitely active in warm weather,” cautioned Public Health Inspector Gary Nedlkou. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by […]

  • Haldimand and Norfolk still clear of West Nile virus

    SIMCOE, ON, AUG. 3, 2007 – We’re well into the summer season now and there is still no sign of West Nile virus appearing in Haldimand or Norfolk counties. “Nobody has contracted the disease in our area,” said Gary Nedlkou, a Public Health Inspector with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. “None of the bird carcasses we […]