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Category: Environment

Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.

  • Local youth invite community to cigarette butt cleanup April 20

    SIMCOE, APRIL 15, 2013- The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s volunteer youth group, HEAT, will be cleaning up cigarette butt litter in two Simcoe parks on Saturday, April 20, and the teens are inviting the community to come out and lend a hand. The cleanup will begin at 10 a.m. in the Simcoe Kinsmen Park and then […]

  • Caledonia residents urged to build “walkable community”

    SIMCOE, ON, FEB. 4, 2010 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is urging Caledonia area residents to participate in a public gathering on Monday, Feb. 15, to help build a “walkable community.” “We are encouraging any group or organization making changes in the community around active living or walkable communities to attend,” said the Health Unit’s […]

  • Fresh Heir aims to pick up 50,000 cigarette butts

    SIMCOE, ON, JULY 20, 2009 – Building on the success of previous campaigns, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s Youth Action Alliance, Fresh Heir, will be cleaning up cigarette butts in both Haldimand and Norfolk on Sunday, July 26. Fresh Heir’s teenage peer leaders and volunteers will collect as many cigarette butts off the ground as possible […]

  • Health Unit offers tips for cold weather

    SIMCOE, ONT., JAN. 13, 2009 – There are precautions people can take against the extremely cold weather moving into the area this week, says the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. Plan ahead. Keep up with weather forecasts. Limit your outside activity during extremely cold weather. Wear a hat. Even if the rest of your entire body is […]

  • Beware of winter mould, Health Unit cautions

    SIMCOE, ON, JAN. 17, 2008 – If you notice a musty or earthy smell in your home, it could be the result of winter mould, cautions the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. “Mould found in the home is often a concern in the winter months due to high humidity and poor ventilation,” explained Glen Steen, Healthy Environment […]