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Category: Food Safety

Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.

  • Health Unit inspectors checking food shelves

    Canadian Food Inspection Agency – General Link SIMCOE, ON, AUG. 28, 2008 – Public Health Inspectors from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit are continuing to check local food outlets for recalled meat products connected to a provincewide Listeriosis outbreak. “It takes time for a food recall to work its way through the distribution system, so we […]

  • Local food costs up 5% over five years

    SIMCOE, ON, APRIL 9, 2008 – The weekly cost of food for a family of four has increased by about 5% over the past five years in Haldimand and Norfolk, compared to 10% for Ontario as a whole. That statistic is contained in the annual Nutritious Food Basket report released this week by the Haldimand-Norfolk […]

  • Health Unit launches healthy drinks awareness campaign

    SIMCOE, ON, FEB. 29, 2008 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is launching a healthy drinks awareness campaign in response to growing concern over sugar-filled and caffeine-laden drinks targeted at children. “Rethink Your Drink,” being held in conjunction with March’s Nutrition Month and April’s Dental Health Month, is aimed at parents of elementary school children and […]

  • Health Unit backs healthy foods in schools legislation

    SIMCOE, ON, DEC. 14, 2007 – The province’s proposed legislation to ban junk food in schools is welcome legislation that will target child obesity and very likely improve academic skills, says the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. “Kids need to eat well in order to grow and develop properly, but many kids today aren’t getting the nutrition […]

  • Health Unit welcomes changes to Canada’s Food Guide

    SIMCOE, ONT., FEB. 06, 2007 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is welcoming the new 2007 version of Canada’s Food Guide, “Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide,” announced Monday by federal Health Minister Tony Clement. “This is the first revision since 1992 and it reflects new insights and the latest research into healthy eating,” said Kathy […]