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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.

  • Sodium levels in Port Dover water return to normal

    PORT DOVER, JANUARY, 2014 – Norfolk County’s water quality monitoring program has done further testing on the water supply in Port Dover. Samples taken on Wednesday January 22nd, 2014 show that sodium levels in the water have dropped to 14 mg/L, returning to a level that is in the normal range for this water supply. […]

  • New Health Unit website eases search for reliable, local health information

    SIMCOE, NOVEMBER 22, 2013 – Finding answers to a wide range of health-related questions will now be easier for Haldimand and Norfolk residents. After months of planning, designing and construction, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit unveiled its revamped website today. Parents, seniors, students, health care providers, new mothers, educators and residents of Haldimand and Norfolk Counties will […]

  • Public Health Nurses Power Up Parenting with new video series

    SIMCOE, SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 – Parenting is one of the most rewarding but difficult jobs, and one that usually comes with little to no training. To help with this, Public Health Nurses from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit have created a series of online videos on positive parenting. Six short videos called “Power Up Parenting” have […]

  • Alcohol-free pregnancies help give babies a healthy start

    SIMCOE, AUGUST 30, 2013 – As International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day approaches, experts are reminding women that regardless of the type of alcohol, or how far along the pregnancy is, alcohol consumption puts the baby at risk for FASD. The message is not only being directed at expecting mothers, but also women […]