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Community Vaccine Update- December 20, 2021


  • Vaccine doses administered so far: 161,446 doses
  • Number of people completely vaccinated: 65,279
  • Proportion of local population 5+ population with at least 1 dose: 79.8%
  • Proportion of local population 5+ population fully vaccinated: 75.6%


*Please note, statistics are now including rates for 5-11 year-olds. 

  • ​On December 20, the province expanded eligibility for boosters for anyone 18+, which includes 65,000- 75,000 people in Haldimand and Norfolk. Boosters can be offered 84 days after the previous dose.
  • With eligibility expanding, appointments for boosters are currently completely full. The HNHU is adding additional clinic spaces between now and the end of the year. These will be available for booking by the end of the day tomorrow. As well, the HNHU is expanding current clinics as quickly as possible and working to mobilize mass clinics again by the start of January 2022.
  • Being fully vaccinated and receiving a booster dose continues to be the most effective way to protect yourself from COVID-19 infection. Being fully vaccinated (i.e. two doses) will help to reduce the likelihood of severe outcomes but a booster will dramatically improve the likelihood for less severe outcomes.
  • There is a province-wide shortage of Pfizer that is expected to last through the end of January. All new appointments for boosters will be Moderna. It is recommended that individuals take the earliest available appointment, regardless of vaccine brand. Moderna is an excellent mRNA vaccine that is observed to be at least as effective at preventing illness and severe outcomes due to COVID-19 as Pfizer and early concerns about travel with mixed doses have been addressed by most governments.
  • Pfizer is the preferred vaccine for those who are 12-19 years old. The very limited supply of Pfizer in Haldimand and Norfolk will be reserved for this young population. There are no supply concerns with the pediatric formulation of Pfizer.
  • Due to a sharp increase in demand, walk-ins are no longer accepted at clinics. All doses require an appointment.


  • The GO-VAXX bus experienced high levels of attendance in both Canborough and Courtland on December 18 and December 20, respectively.
  • The GO-VAXX bus is a provincial initiative and only offers 300 doses per day. Limitations to increasing appointments on the buses include space, staffing, and time available for disinfection between immunizations.
  • In response to the increase in attendance and for safety considerations, the GO-VAXX bus that was scheduled to be at the Simcoe Panorama on December 22 will be moved to the Norfolk County Fairgrounds. The GO-VAXX bus will be at the Fairgrounds from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Additional buses are scheduled for the coming weeks but locations are being finalized in light of recent changes.


Children’s Clinics

  • Children’s vaccine clinics will be held in a variety of locations and will be available for booking on Clinics will initially be held in Simcoe, Caledonia, Delhi, Dunnville, and added to other communities as needed.


Mass Clinics (12+)

  • ​The HNHU and its partners are working very hard to increase capacity to accommodate booster eligibility.
  • Appointments, as they come available, will be posted at
  • Doses for individuals over the age of 12 can also be received by booking with family physicians and pharmacies.