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GO-VAXX Bus reminders and limitations

After an overwhelming turnout at the GO-VAXX mobile vaccination clinic in Canborough on Saturday, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit has several reminders for those planning to attend the upcoming Norfolk clinics this week.

The bus will roll into the Courtland Community Centre the morning of Monday, Dec. 20. Tickets will be provided to attendees at 10 a.m. For safety reasons, it is imperative that attendees do not arrive prior to that time.

The maximum daily capacity is 300 people.

For the public’s safety and wellbeing, additional traffic and safety measures will be instituted.

The converted Metrolinx bus is fully accessible and staffed with trained medical professionals available to answer any questions and discuss any concerns.

The Health Unit is working diligently to provide additional clinics to the community and will release those details in the weekly community vaccination update on Monday, Dec. 20.