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Weather Safety

Cold Weather

It is important to be prepared in the wintertime for the cold weather conditions. Exposure to cold temperatures can stress the body and make it more susceptible to cold-related illnesses. The four environmental conditions that cause cold-related stress are:

  • low temperatures
  • high/cool winds
  • dampness
  • cold water

Wind chill, a combination of temperature and wind speed, is also a critical factor to consider when spending time outside. Rapid heat loss may arise for individuals exposed to high winds and cold temperatures.


When body temperature drops a few degrees below its normal of 37°C, the blood vessels constrict, decreasing peripheral blood flow to reduce heat loss from the skin’s surface. Shivering, the rapid contraction of the skeletal muscles generates heat production that can temporarily increase body temperature.

Infants and the elderly are particularly at risk for cold-related illnesses, but anyone can be affected. Outdoor workers, outdoor athletes, the homeless, people on prescription medication and those with circulatory problems are also at a higher risk.


Frostnip occurs when the skin is exposed to cold wind, which causes it to turn white. This usually occurs in extremities further from the heart exposed to cold or winds. This is considered the first stage of frostbite, which results when blood vessels close to the skin constrict, reducing blood flow to the area to preserve the body’s core temperature. Frostnip does not usually damage affected areas permanently, although long-term sensitivity to both heat and cold can sometimes follow. Areas affected by frostnip should be treated by re-warming the area with a warm object or hand, not hot water.


Frostbite occurs when an area of the body, including skin, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves, freezes. The affected skin is often hard and waxy feeling and use of the area is lost temporarily and, in severe cases, permanently. Purplish, blood-filled blisters may appear in severe cases, and nerve damage may result in the loss of feeling and/or movement. Frostbite may occur without hypothermia (see below), where the affected area does not have sufficient circulation or is not properly clothed. Winds also increase the risk of frostbite as heat loss from the body is more rapid in windy conditions. Treatment should involve warming the body, removing restrictive clothing from the affected area, and seeking medical treatment. However, it is NOT recommended that the affected area be rubbed, immersed in hot water or that blisters be broken.


Often confused with frostbite or trench foot, chilblains are ulcers affecting the extremities caused by prolonged exposure to cold and humidity. This exposure damages the capillary beds, resulting in symptoms of redness, itching, blisters, and inflammation. Chilblains can be prevented by keeping the feet and hands warm in cold weather.


Hypothermia occurs when the body’s core temperature drops below 35°C /95°F, at which point your body cannot regain the heat being lost. Hypothermia can take a victim by surprise since it can occur above the freezing point. Wind, physical exhaustion and wet clothing all make a person more prone to hypothermia. Symptoms of hypothermia include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling/uncoordinated movements, memory loss, slurred speech and drowsiness. Infants may also show signs of very low energy and bright red, cold skin. Persons experiencing hypothermia should be treated by getting their body warm again via heated shelter, clothing (removing wet clothing), warm non-alcoholic beverages and medical treatment. CPR is required for those without pulse and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for those not breathing.

Plan Ahead

  • Be aware of the weather forecast, dress accordingly and be ready for extreme cold weather events that may result in an emergency.
  • Prepare your home and car for extreme cold weather events by stocking emergency supplies such as food that does not require cooking or refrigeration, drinking water, a backup power supply (e.g., a generator), clothing, and blankets.

Dress Warmly and Stay Dry

  • An outer layer of tightly woven clothing (wind resistant) is preferred to reduce heat loss from wind.
  • Wool, silk or polypropylene will hold more body heat than cotton.
  • Sweating will increase heat loss, so remove layers whenever you feel too warm.
  • Change out of wet clothing as soon as possible.
  • Avoid time outdoors when temperatures are extremely low.

Heat Your Home Safely and Adequately

  • Ensure your home is adequately insulated, meeting or exceeding the Ontario Building Code requirements.
  • Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors near fireplaces and stoves.
  • Generators must be used outdoors, as they produce carbon monoxide.
  • Conserve heat by avoiding opening doors and windows as much as possible. Unused areas can also be closed off.

Monitor Body Temperature

  • Infants lose body heat more easily than adults and cannot make enough heat by shivering, so DO NOT leave infants alone in a cold room.
  • The elderly produce less body heat due to their slower metabolism and lower physical activity levels. Therefore, they should monitor their body temperature and/or be checked on regularly.
  • During cold weather, people who spend time outdoors (e.g., outdoor workers and athletes) should acclimate their bodies to the temperature.

Drink Water

  • Dry air can dehydrate the skin and lungs. People exposed to the cold should drink plenty of fluids to avoid decreased blood flow.
  • Avoid drinking liquids that contain alcohol, caffeine or large amounts of sugar- these drinks cause you to lose more body fluid.

Pace Yourself

  • Your body is already working hard to stay warm, so dress warmly and work slowly when exposed to the cold.
  • Persons with heart disease or high blood pressure should avoid overexertion.

Cold Weather Alerts

Hot Weather

Heat Warnings

The HNHU declares heat warnings when prolonged exposure to outdoor conditions could harm public health. Environment and Climate Change Canada’s meteorological services notify Public Health when an impending heat event is forecast for our area.

The HNHU will then issue a Heat Warning or Extended Heat Warning based on the duration and intensity of the expected conditions:

  • Heat Warning – when forecast temperatures are expected to be at least 31°C and overnight temperatures are at or above 20°C for two days or the Humidex is forecasted to be at least 40°C for two days.
  • Extended Heat Warning – When forecast temperatures are expected to be at least 31°C and overnight temperatures are above 20°C for three or more days or Humidex is at least 40°C for three or more days.

Heat Cramps

Symptoms of heat cramps include:

  1. Painful muscle spasms, usually in the legs but possibly in the abdomen
  2. Heavy sweating

To treat heat cramps:

  • Apply firm pressure on cramping muscles or gently massage to relieve spasms.
  • Give sips of water.
  • If nausea occurs, discontinue sips of water and move the person to a cooler place to rest comfortably. Observe the person for changes in their condition.

Heat Exhaustion

 Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Heavy sweating
  • Weakness
  • Cold, pale and clammy skin
  • Weak pulse
  • Fainting and vomiting
  • The core temperature is usually 38.8°C or higher (but the normal temperature is possible)

To treat heat exhaustion:

  • Get the person out of the sun. Move the person to a cooler environment.
  • Lay the person down and loosen the clothing.
  • Apply cool, wet cloths. Give sips of water.
  • If nausea occurs, discontinue sips of water. If vomiting continues, seek immediate medical attention.

Heat Stroke

Signs and symptoms of heat stroke include:

  • High body temperature of 41°C (or higher).
  • Hot, dry skin, rapid and strong pulse, possible unconsciousness.
  • Dizziness, throbbing headache, confusion, restlessness, unconsciousness, or coma.
  • Possible convulsions, nausea, vomiting.

To treat heat stroke:

  • Severe medical emergency – Call 911 immediately and do not give fluids.
  • If immediate medical help is not possible, provide the following care:
    • Move the person to a cooler area.
    • Remove or loosen outer clothing.
    • Reduce body temperature by using lukewarm (not cold) water to bathe/sponge the person.

Protecting yourself in hot weather

A combination of high heat and high humidity can be dangerous. Anyone who experiences physical distress because of extreme temperatures should seek medical attention immediately, either by calling 911 or by going to the nearest emergency department. 

  • Drink plenty of water before feeling thirsty and avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.
  • Limit time outdoors when the UV Index (ultraviolet ray strength) is most intense, between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Apply Sunscreen with SPF 30 (or higher) 20-30 minutes before going outside to ensure absorption – Re-apply every 2-3 hours
  • Wear a hat and light, loose-fitted clothing
  • Avoid heavy physical activity outdoors
  • Seek shade at a park or greenspace or use an umbrella
  • Cool off in an air-conditioned space when available
  • Use a fan – you can place a bowl of cold water or ice in front of an electric fan to create a cool breeze
  • Take a cool bath or shower
  • Keep your home cool
    • Close window shades during the hottest part of the day to reduce direct sun exposure
    • Avoid cooking during the hottest period or the day
    • Unplug large electronics such as televisions that produce heat
  • NEVER leave children or pets in a vehicle
  • Visit one of the cooling centres listed here

Hot Weather Alerts

More information

Learn about public weather warnings and visit the following websites for more information:

Local Services in a Heat Event

Norfolk Cooling Centres

Norfolk County Public Libraries 

Branches in Delhi, Port Dover, Port Rowan, Simcoe and Waterford

Visit  to view individual branch locations and hours.

Norfolk Recreational Services

Please be advised that pool admittance is subject to bather load restrictions and available staffing levels. Users may have to wait to be admitted when the pool experiences a high level of bathers. The Swim Admission Standard will be in effect. Register via ENCORE or by calling 519-426-5870 Ext 2233.    


Swimming Pools

Annaleise Carr Aquatic Centre

182 South Drive, Simcoe See the schedules here.

Delhi Kinsmen Pool

336 Talbot Road, Delhi See the schedules here.
Splash Parks

Simcoe Kinsmen Splash Park

281 Head Street North, Simcoe Open daily, 10 a.m. – 9 p.m During heat event open 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Delhi Splash Park

336 Talbot Road, Delhi Open daily, 10 a.m. – 9 p.m During heat event open 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Waterford Tricenturena

32 E Church St, Waterford Visit Arenas & Skating — Norfolk County for more information

Haldimand Cooling Centres

Haldimand County Public Libraries

Caledonia Branch – Check branch hours and address

Cayuga Branch – Check branch hours and address

Dunnville Branch – Check branch hours and address

Hagersville Branch – Check branch hours and address

Jarvis Branch  – Check branch hours and address

Selkirk Branch  – Check branch hours and address

Haldimand Recreational Services

Please be advised that pool admittance is subject to bather load restrictions and available staffing levels.  Users may have to wait to be admitted when the pool experiences high bathers.  Swim Admission Standard will be in effect.

For the most up-to-date information about hours of operation, please visit Pools & Splash Pads — Haldimand County


Swimming Pools

Caledonia Lions Pool

25 Caithness Street W., Caledonia



Dunnville Lions Pool

640 Lock Street W., Dunnville 905-774-7165  

Hagersville Lions Pool

13 Laidlaw Street, Hagersville 905-768-1730


Splash Parks

Caledonia Lions Splash Park

25 Caithness Street W., Caledonia



Hagersville Lions Splash Park

13 Laidlaw Street, Hagersville 905-768-1730  
Wading Pool

Dunnville Kinsmen Park

200 Cedar St., Dunnville