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Cannabis, what is it?

Cannabis, or Marijuana, contains a chemical called THC. This chemical is what changes the way you think, feel and act.

Cannabis, hashish and hash oil come from the cannabis sativa plant that grows all over the world. Cannabis is the dried flowering tops and leaves of the plant. Hashish is the sticky resin on the flower tops of the plant, and hash oil is made by mixing hashish with alcohol or other organic solvents.

Short-term effects of cannabis use

  • Impaired judgment, ability to remember, concentrate or pay attention
  • Mood changes and depressed feelings
  • Confusion
  • Sleepiness
  • Anxiety, fear or panic

Long-term effects of cannabis use

  • Harm to memory, concentration and IQ – these affects appear to be worse for youth who start using early, frequently and over a long period of time
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Increased risk of lung damage

Mixing cannabis with alcohol and other drugs, here’s what can happen:

  • Unpredictable events-when mixed with alcohol, bad side effects are more likely and the outcome is unpredictable. You could end up with physical (like vomiting) or psychological (like paranoia) side effects.
  • Risky behaviours– Cannabis is enough to impair your judgement, but when mixed with alcohol, the effects are even stronger and could lead to unsafe sex, or impaired driving that puts yourself and your passengers at risk.

Don’t Drive High

  • There is no evidence for safe levels of cannabis use for driving.
  • Cannabis has been found to impair reaction time, visual function, concentration, short term memory and the divided attention necessary to operate a motor vehicle.
  • Cannabis use doubles the risk of a crash and, after alcohol, cannabis is the most commonly detected substance among drivers who die in traffic crashes.
  • With enhancements to drug-impaired driving laws in Ontario, police have the tools and authority to detect and arrest drivers who are impaired.

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