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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • Health Unit offers $2 movie night for students

    SIMCOE, ON, NOV. 27, 2008 – High school students in Norfolk County are being invited to a “One Night Stand” movie event this Thursday (Dec. 4) to demonstrate the link between movies and the hidden marketing tactics of the tobacco industry. Tickets for the event, which takes place in the Simcoe Composite School gym from […]

  • Be careful when shovelling snow, Health Unit says

    SIMCOE, ON, NOV. 24, 2008 – With the arrival of snow, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is cautioning residents to be careful when shovelling. “Shovelling your sidewalk or driveway is a workout and if you’re not used to such activity, there is always the danger of injury,” said Communications Coordinator Robert Roth. “If you’re not prepared, […]

  • Suicide Prevention Forum Nov. 25 in Townsend

    SIMCOE, ON, NOV. 13, 2008 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is promoting a Suicide Prevention Forum in Townsend on Nov. 25 aimed at service providers, as well as survivors and their families and friends. The event, sponsored by Suicide Prevention Network of Haldimand-Norfolk, takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Great Hall of […]

  • Learn how to eat well without breaking the bank

    Presentation in Dunnville Tuesday, Nov. 18 SIMCOE, ON, NOV. 7, 2008 – If you want to know how to stretch your food dollar and still eat healthy, you’re invited to a presentation at the Royal Canadian Legion in Dunnville on Tuesday, Nov. 18, from 1 to 3 p.m. Coraine Wray, a Public Health Dietitian with […]

  • Beware of disease-carrying deer ticks, Health Unit warns

    SIMCOE, ON, NOV. 6, 2008 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is warning hunters and hikers alike to be aware that deer ticks are still active in the area and precautions should be taken to avoid contracting Lyme disease. “Deer ticks can carry and transmit this bacterial infection and we are still getting reports of deer […]