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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • Health Unit offers help for preschoolers with speech/hearing problems (Haldimand)

    SIMCOE, ON, MAY 17, 2007 – The wait time for a preschooler to see a speech-language pathologist in Haldimand and Norfolk counties has been slashed dramatically over the past decade to about half the provincial average. That’s one of the “biggest achievements” cited by the Haldimand-Norfolk Preschool Speech and Language Program as it celebrates Speech […]

  • People-powered transportation workshop May 10

    SIMCOE, ON, APRIL 30, 2007 – Alarmed by rising obesity in the Canadian population, a local group has launched a campaign to make Norfolk County a healthier place through more walking and cycling and less driving.Health Action, in partnership with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, is holding a workshop open to all Norfolk residents on Thursday, […]

  • Health Unit nurses celebrating Nursing Week

    SIMCOE, ON, APRIL 27, 2007 – Public Health Nurses at the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit will be joining with more than 50,000 other Registered Nurses throughout Ontario in celebrating Nursing Week May 7 to 13. There are 30 full-time, part-time and casual Public Health Nurses at the Health Unit providing services in such areas as family […]

  • Rabies clinics and vouchers available in May

    SIMCOE, ON, APRIL 27, 2007 – Residents in Haldimand and Norfolk counties are being urged to get their pets vaccinated against rabies in May, which is rabies awareness month. Clinics are being held throughout Norfolk, while in Haldimand vouchers can be obtained to visit local veterinarians.“The law requires that every cat or dog over three […]

  • Student “tombstone” tobacco demonstration cancelled

    SIMCOE, ON, MARCH 26, 2007 – Two student-led demonstrations scheduled for this Wednesday (March 28) to alert teens to the devastating impact of tobacco use have been cancelled. The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s Youth Action Alliance (YAA) had planned to erect 44 tombstone replicas at Simcoe Composite School and Holy Trinity Catholic High School but the […]