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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
Subscribe to Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit media releases.

  • Community Vaccine Update: January 17, 2022

    Statistics for residents 5 and older Vaccine doses administered so far: 187,686 doses Number of people completely vaccinated: 65,758 Proportion of local population 5+ population with at least 1 dose: 81.1% Proportion of local population 5+ population fully vaccinated: 76.6%   ​The HNHU and its partners have administered over 187,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to date. The population over the […]

  • Community Vaccine Update

    Statistics for residents 5 and older Vaccine doses administered so far: 180,862 doses Number of people completely vaccinated: 65,479 Proportion of local population 5+ population with at least 1 dose: 80.7% Proportion of local population 5+ population fully vaccinated: 76.2%   ​The HNHU and its partners have administered over 180,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to date. The population over the […]

  • Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit emphasizing vaccine efforts

    The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) continues to make the COVID-19 Vaccination Program a top priority of the pandemic response. To date, the HNHU has administered nearly 180,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, including nearly 20,000 booster doses. In recent weeks the HNHU and partners across the two counties have been administering around 6,000 doses per […]

  • Health Unit to Change Case COVID-19 Management and Testing Processes

      In response to the rapidly spreading and highly transmissible Omicron variant, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is following provincial direction and is updating its COVID-19 testing, isolation, and case and contact management guidelines. Key changes include the following: PCR testing is no longer available for everyone. PCR testing will be available for high-risk individuals, and […]