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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • Ontario Launches Free Routine Dental Care for Low-Income Seniors

    Program Will Help Keep Seniors Healthy TORONTO — As part of its comprehensive plan to end hallway health care, Ontario is investing in programs that keep seniors healthy in their communities longer.Each year in Ontario, preventable dental issues like gum disease, infections and chronic pain lead to more than 60,000 emergency department visits by patients, […]

  • Be prepared for flu season, get the flu shot

    Nov. 20 – It’s back. The 2019 flu season has already begun. In Canada, the flu is among the leading causes of death – claiming 3,500 lives last year alone. The flu is a serious condition that can lead to hospitalization in the young, elderly, or those with weakened immune systems. People infected with the […]

  • Health Unit launches youth vaping prevention campaign

    Oct. 24, 2019 – The Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit, in collaboration with 16 public health units, is launching a youth vaping prevention campaign called “Use Your Instincts”. The campaign highlights the harms of vaping with unique visuals and messages urging youth to “use their instincts” and trust facts when deciding whether to vape or not. […]