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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • First Rabid Raccoon Found in Norfolk County

    SIMCOE, JANUARY 24th, 2018– The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) was notified yesterday by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry that a raccoon from just north of Simcoe has tested positive for rabies.  While there has been widespread rabies activity within areas of Haldimand County since the raccoon rabies outbreak began in 2015, this is […]

  • Winter Weather Reminder from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit

    Simcoe, ON. December 13, 2017 With winter weather hitting the area, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is reminding the public to protect themselves from colder temperatures. In temperatures of -15°C or colder, unprotected skin can freeze in less than 30 minutes and the risk of developing hypothermia is high.  However, while everyone is at risk to […]

  • Flu Arrives in Haldimand and Norfolk

    SIMCOE, December 5th, 2017 The flu has officially arrived in Haldimand and Norfolk. The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) reports that three lab confirmed cases of influenza have been reported. One was influenza A and two influenza B. The HNHU would like to remind everyone that the flu shot is the best protection against getting the […]

  • Local youth bring the HEAT to Parliament Hill

              From left to right: Nicole Stone, Kristen Forsyth, Brendan Francis-Cope, Albin Jung, Grace McFarland, Lauren Driver and Callie Anderson from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit joined more than 100 youth from across Ontario at a Freeze the Industry rally on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill. The November 9 event supported Bill S-5, which […]