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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • Follow new guidelines if choosing to drink this holiday, Health Unit urges

    SIMCOE, DECEMBER 10, 2012 – Whether at workplace Christmas parties, family dinners or gatherings at friend’s houses, many people this holiday season will find themselves in situations where alcohol is available. The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit wants to inform residents who choose to drink about new guidelines that have been designed to reduce the immediate and […]

  • Health Unit clearing the air about smoke-free workplaces

    SIMCOE, NOVEMBER 23, 2012- Despite a six-year-old ban on smoking in Ontario workplaces, some local employees are still being exposed to second-hand smoke at work. As a result, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is reminding local business owners about their legal responsibility to ensure their workplaces are smoke-free. “We are certainly proud of the efforts in […]

  • First confirmed case marks official start of flu season

    SIMCOE, NOVEMBER 15, 2012 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit received notification of its first lab-confirmed case of influenza, or the flu, for the 2012/2013 season. Last flu season, the first confirmed case in Haldimand or Norfolk occurred in February. Residents are being reminded that the flu shot is their best source of protection against the […]

  • Health Unit expands free HPV vaccine program for teen girls

    SIMCOE, NOVEMBER 12, 2012 – Girls who missed out on a publicly-funded Human Papillomavirus (HPV) immunization program before graduating Grade 8 now have a second chance to get their shots.The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit will now be also offering free HPV vaccines to girls in Grades 9 to 12 as well, as part of a catch-up […]