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- Prenatal Fair Oct. 14 to feature 33 displays
Prenatal Fair Oct. 14 to feature 33 displays

A group of moms and babies swing to the rhythmic beat of salsa music. The technique will be demonstrated at the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s Prenatal Fair Wednesday, Oct. 14, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Simcoe Composite School cafeteria, 40 Wilson Dr., Simcoe.
SIMCOE, ON, OCT. 2, 2009 – The Prenatal Fair being held in Simcoe Wednesday, Oct. 14, will feature 33 displays touching virtually every aspect of pregnancy and parenting, says the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit.
“More than 200 residents attended the Prenatal Fair last year and we expect it to be just as popular this year,” said Public Health Nurse Angela Swick.
The free fair, which takes place at the Simcoe Composite School cafeteria, 40 Wilson Dr., from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., will feature displays from area businesses as well as Health Unit displays on everything from child nutrition to breastfeeding to speech and language issues.
There will be a car seat safety demonstration, pregnancy fashion show and taste-testing of commercial baby food versus homemade. The Health Unit is hosting a small café with free, light refreshments. Several door prizes will be given out, including Wal-Mart gift cards and a grand prize of a high-quality car seat.
Local businesses and organizations will provide information on a wide range of pregnancy and parenting products and services including photography, pharmaceuticals and educational tools.
For example, Salsa babies will teach mothers how to do some popular Latin dance steps while their babies are snuggled up against them shaking maracas and bouncing along to the salsa beat.
Mommies in Motion, operated by active mother-of-two Rebecca Malo, will teach exercise classes using a stroller.
Usborne Books, will show parents how to support their child’s reading habits using cloth books, bath books and “touchy-feely” books.
“The Prenatal Fair is the ideal one-stop shopping location for those seeking products, services and advice on pregnancy and childrearing,” Swick said. “Expectant or new mothers, grandparents and other caregivers will want to attend this event.”
Business and organization exhibits include The Armstrong Clinic, Clarks Pharmasave, Create Cord Blood, Diane Finley Constituency Office, Dr. Thomas Sartor, Haldimand Norfolk REACH, Salsa Babies, Memories in the Making Photography, Mommies in Motion, Queensway Therapy, Roulston’s Pharmacy, Salvation Army Family and Community Services, Silver Parrot Studios Photography, Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association, Usborne Books, USC Education Savings Plan, and Welcome Wagon.
Health Unit exhibits include Preconception Health, Reproductive Health, Speech and Language, Parenting, Breastfeeding, Dental, Vaccine Preventable Services, Nutrition, Injury Prevention, Pregnancy and Work, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Tobacco Prevention, Communicable Diseases, Sexual Health, Healthy Environment, and Healthy Babies Healthy Children.
To find out more about the Prenatal Fair, contact the Health Unit at 519-426-6170 or 905-318-5367.
Media contact:
Angela Swick, Public Health Nurse, Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit,
519-426-6170 Ext. 3201 or 905-318-6623 Ext. 3201 or[email protected]