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The HNHU Launches Drinking Water Hauler Inspection Program

May 8th, 2017 – Simcoe, ON The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is pleased to announce the launch of the HNHU Drinking Water Hauler Inspection Program.

Over the past two years, the HNHU has been working with local drinking water haulage operators in Haldimand and Norfolk providing both education and inspections to ensure compliance with guidelines developed under the Ontario Drinking Water Protocol, 2014 and the Ontario Public Health Standards.

The HNHU estimates that there are approximately 20 known water haulage companies that are currently active in Haldimand and Norfolk. Often these companies supply drinking water to rural homeowners serviced by wells or cisterns.

The HNHU Drinking Water Hauler Inspection Program will be a simple and easily identifiable way for the public to know if a vehicle has been inspected by the HNHU. The sticker indicates that a particular haulage vehicle is in good standing as well as the year in which the next required compliance inspection is to be conducted.

The HNHU has also partnered with both Haldimand and Norfolk municipalities to ensure that water haulage vehicles receive a yearly HNHU inspection as part of their water purchasing agreements.

“We look forward to continuing our partnerships with everyone involved, from the public to the water hauler operators to both municipalities,” said Stephanie Pongracz, program manager for the Environmental Health team at the HNHU. “The ultimate message of the program is simple: if you receive drinking water from a water haulage company, it’s important to know where your drinking water comes from, how it’s been treated and it’s safe to drink.”

For more information about the HNHU Drinking Water Hauler Inspection Program and safe drinking water, please visit


Media Contact:
Adrienne Andrew
Senior Public Health Inspector, Environmental Health Team
Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit
519.426.6170 EXT 3267 [email protected]