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Update on outbreak at farm

June 24, 2020, Simcoe, ON – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit continues to work to resolve the outbreak at the farm. Approximately 220 migrant farm workers live in residences on the farm. Approximately 200 people have tested positive. Two workers are currently hospitalized.

The approach to manage a COVID-19 case is for the person affected to self-isolate for a period of 14 days. At the present time, approximately 140 migrant workers have completed the self-isolation period.

“Once the self-isolation period is over, these workers have the same right to travel in the community as all Canadians,” says Kristal Chopp, Chair of the Board of Health. “Migrant workers travel a long way from home to support their families and ensure area farms can continue to grow the produce Ontario needs. I know the local community will continue to welcome these workers as we all make our way through this difficult time.”

Updates from the Health Unit are available at