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Your Opportunity to Shape Sports & Recreation in Norfolk County

NORFOLK COUNTY , SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 – Calling all Norfolk County coaches, referees, sporting associations and clubs! Come and be the voice for the newly formed Norfolk Sport and Recreation Council. A meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at the Haldimand- Norfolk Health Unit from 7-9pm.

The Healthy Communities Partnership Haldimand and Norfolk , Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit and Norfolk County Community Services are supporting the community in the formation of a Sports and Recreation Council in Norfolk County. “We need a more coordinated approach in our community to enable our residents to have access to safe, fun and affordable ways of being active” says Heather Keam, Health Promoter Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit

The Norfolk County Sport & Recreation Council is a collective voice providing leadership and support to the advancement of participation in local sport, recreation and active living for all. “Since November 2013 there have been 3 community meetings and there is interest from the community to develop a Sports and Recreation Council” says Ingrid Zyma-Irvin, Active Living/Simcoe Recreation Centre hall Coordinator.

Based on community feedback the goals of the Sport and Recreation Council are to:

1. Be a collective voice for sports and recreation in Norfolk County.
2. Provide high quality and accessible sport and recreation programs that are in place throughout Norfolk County.
3. Increase participation across the lifespan in local sport & recreation programs.
4. Increase the number of sports and recreation events, such as tournaments, conferences, and trade shows, held in the community.
5. Have a strong, well trained volunteer workforce related to sports and recreation in Norfolk County.

“We are now looking for interested people from the community who are willing to be part of the Council such as coaches, referees, sporting clubs and parents” says Ingrid. Anyone who is interested in attending the first formal meeting of the Norfolk County Sports and recreation Council from 7-9 pm on Tuesday September 23, at the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit can call Ingrid Zyma-irvin at 519-426-8866 ext 2303 or Heather Keam at 519-426-6170 ext 3208