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Flu Season Coming – HNHU Reminds Everyone to Get the Flu Shot

SIMCOE October 26, 2016  Every year, millions of Canadians catch the flu. If you are hoping to avoid the flu bug this year, roll up your sleeve. Flu shots are available through your healthcare provider, local pharmacy or by appointment through the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit.

The influenza virus changes from year to year so a vaccine is needed every year to provide the best protection. Each year, the World Health Organization chooses the three strains of the influenza virus most likely to cause severe influenza disease.  This year the vaccine is protecting you from two strains of Influenza A and one strain of Influenza B.

The vaccine is safe and available for anyone over the age of six months. Possible side effects with the vaccine are mild pain and/ or swelling where the injection was given, feeling fatigued, mild chills, muscle aches and pains.  These symptoms usually subside in 24 hours. It is not possible to get the flu from a flu vaccination because the vaccine does not contain any live virus.

The flu is highly contagious and can cause severe complications for those with heart, lung and other health problems. Even if you don’t become severely ill, getting the flu can mean several missed days of school, work and other activities.

The flu virus can live on hard surfaces such as door handles, computer keyboards and countertops for up to 48 hours and on soft surfaces like clothing for 8-10 hours.

Therefore, washing your hands and getting a flu shot are the most important things you can do to protect yourself from the flu. This is especially important if you are over 65 or have a chronic health condition.

Flu vaccines are available for anyone over 6 months of age.

If you have any questions regarding influenza or the influenza vaccine or to book an appointment, please contact a member of the Vaccine Preventable Disease Team at the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit at 519-426-6170 or 905-318-6623.

Media Contact:

Rose Huyge

Program Coordinator, Vaccine Preventable Disease Team

Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit

12 Gilbertson Dr. Simcoe, ON.

519-426-6170 Ext. 3259

[email protected]