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Dental Care for Seniors

Older lady smiling

Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program (OSDCP)

Learn how to access free, routine dental care for eligible seniors 65 or older through the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program, which is designed to support low-income seniors.


  • Resident of Ontario
  • 65+ years and above
  • Meet income requirements ($25,000 for single seniors, $41,500 for couples)

Coverage Includes

  • check-ups, including scaling, fluoride and polishing
  • repairing broken teeth and cavities
  • x-rays
  • removing teeth or abnormal tissue (oral surgery)
  • anesthesia
  • treating infection and pain (endodontic services)
  • treating gum conditions and diseases (periodontal services)
  • dentures (co-payment required)

Book an Appointment

Please call Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit to book a dental clinic appointment at one of our two locations.

Simcoe Dental Clinic

12 Gilbertson Drive Simcoe ON N3Y 4N5

Phone 519-426-6170 Ext 4444

Dunnville Dental Clinic

117 Forest St E ON N1A 1B9

Phone 905-318-6623 Ext 4444

Canadian Dental Care Program

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is a federally funded program that provides dental coverage to Canadian residents with an adjusted family net income below $90,000 who don’t have access to dental insurance. The CDCP will help cover the cost of various oral healthcare services for eligible Canadians.

Canadian Dental Care Plan –

Provider Search – Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) | Sun Life