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Income Statistics – Statistics in Haldimand and Norfolk

  • 11.7% of the population in Haldimand Norfolk were considered living in low income based on the LIM-AT in 2015

Low Income, Based on the Low Income Measure After Tax (LIM-AT) of Private Households, 15 years and over, Haldimand and
Norfolk and Ontario, 2015

Source: Statistics Canada, 2016 Census of population
Date Notes: ‘The Low-income measure, after tax, refers to a fixed percentage (50%) of median adjusted after-tax income of private households. The household after-tax
income is adjusted by an equivalence scale to take economies of scale into account. This adjustment for different household sizes reflects the fact that a household’s
needs increase, but at a decreasing rate, as the number of members increases. Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, the line applicable to a household is
defined as half the Canadian median of the adjusted household after-tax income, multiplied by the square root of household size. The median is determined based on all
persons in private households where low-income concepts are applicable.

For further information please contact [email protected] or 519-426-6170 Ext. 3305.

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