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Road Safety

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Reduce everyone’s risk of being injured or killed on the road by:
- Following the laws and rules of the road
- Always driving alert, sober and distraction-free
- Driving according to weather and road conditions
- Being aware of animals, cyclists and other vehicles
Distracted driving
In Ontario, it is illegal for drivers to talk, text, type, dial or email using hand-held devices like cell phones. Learn more about distracted driving from the Government of Ontario.
Impaired Driving
Impaired driving means driving any vehicle (cars, trucks, boats, snowmobiles, and off-road vehicles) while you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Learn more about impaired driving from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
Winter driving
Always drive according to weather and road conditions. Follow these driving practices to help keep winter roads safe:
- Make sure your vehicle is winter-ready with a maintenance inspection before the first snow fall
- Install four winter tires
- Check weather and travel conditions before you hit the road
- Look far ahead when you drive to recognize hazards in advance
- Reduce your speed when roads are slippery or slushy
- Be aware of black ice and that bridges and overpasses freeze more quickly and stay frozen longer than the road
- Carry a winter survival kit with you when you travel
Visit Winter Driving: Shareable Resources from the Ontario MTO to learn more.
Share the Road
Share the Road is a public safety campaign to increase motorists’ and bicyclists’ awareness of shared
responsibility for road safety. The main features of this campaign are caution signs along County roads.
These signs are to act as a reminder for drivers to be aware of other road users – bicyclists and walkers
and to use caution when approaching them.
Animal vehicle collisions
Visit the Wildlife Road Sharing Resource Centre to learn how you can avoid car accidents with animals.
Off-road vehicles
Effective July 1, 2020, Ontario has expanded the type of off-road vehicles (ORVs) permitted on the road, including allowing ATVs and off-road motorcycles on the shoulder of public roads where permitted. Learn more and find information about how to safely drive an off-road vehicle from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.