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Health Unit declares outbreak of COVID-19 at Anson Place over

June 25, 2020, Simcoe, ON – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit has declared the COVID-19 outbreak at Anson Place over. Anson Place includes both a long-term care facility and retirement home.

“I know this comes as welcome news for both the residents of Anson Place and their families,” says Kristal Chopp, Chair of the Board of Health. “I’m thankful the Province has now recognized the need to reform long-term care to avoid situations like the one at Anson Place, and to protect our most vulnerable citizens.

“This outbreak might be over, but the pandemic is not, and we must remain vigilant in our efforts to stop the spread of the virus in our community.”

The Health Unit will continue to support the staff and leadership team at Anson Place.