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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • Dental health deteriorating in Haldimand and Norfolk

    SIMCOE, ON, APRIL 4, 2008 – We seem to be losing the battle for good dental health in Haldimand and Norfolk Counties, despite an extensive child screening process and dental health promotional programs. The deteriorating state of dental health in the two counties is outlined in a Dental Health Report released today by the Haldimand-Norfolk […]

  • Youth group plans cigarette butt cleanup April 12

    SIMCOE, ON, APRIL 3, 2008 – Building on last year’s successful campaign, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s Youth Action Alliance will be cleaning up cigarette butts in both counties on Saturday, April 12. The youth group, known locally as Fresh Heir, will strive to raise awareness that “little butts can make a big difference” by making […]

  • Last chance for Grade 8 girls to get free HPV vaccinations

    SIMCOE, ON, MARCH 27, 2008 – Time is running out for Grade 8 girls who wish to receive free vaccinations that will help protect them against cervical cancer. The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is urging Grade 8 girls not to miss out on a provincial government program that pays 100 per cent of the cost of […]

  • Health Unit launches healthy drinks awareness campaign

    SIMCOE, ON, FEB. 29, 2008 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is launching a healthy drinks awareness campaign in response to growing concern over sugar-filled and caffeine-laden drinks targeted at children. “Rethink Your Drink,” being held in conjunction with March’s Nutrition Month and April’s Dental Health Month, is aimed at parents of elementary school children and […]