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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • Calendar helps parents prepare children for school

    SIMCOE, JAN. 31, 2007 – Parents with youngsters about to enter the school system have access to a new teaching aid, thanks to the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit and its partners. The 2007-2008 Kindergarten Ready, Set, Go Calendar is now available and provides helpful information, tips and activities parents can use to guide their children through […]

  • Health Unit Offers Tips For Cold Weather

    SIMCOE, ONT., JAN. 26, 2007 – The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is warning people to be careful during cold snaps and offers some tips on how to handle frosty changes in temperature.The following precautions should be taken in cold weather: Plan ahead. Keep up with weather forecasts. Limit your outside activity during extremely cold weather. Wear […]

  • Quit-smoking contest offers chance to get healthy and win a car

    SIMCOE, JAN. 26, 2007 – If you can quit smoking for one month, you could win a 2007 Acura CSX automobile. That’s the grand prize offered in this year’s “Driven to Quit Challenge” being promoted by the Canadian Cancer Society and the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. The cancer society, which is urging people to “kick butt […]

  • Avoid January “quick-fix” weight-loss resolutions, Health Unit says

    SIMCOE, JAN. 17, 2007 – It’s easier than you think to get healthy, says the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, and you don’t need the “quick-fixes” or long regimens at the gym that become so popular during the new-year’s-resolution month of January. “Just like clockwork, January always sees a hike in the number of people who start […]

  • Merger of addiction and mental health services sought in Haldimand-Norfolk

    SIMCOE, JAN. 12, 2007 – Local officials are advocating a merger of addiction and adult mental health services in Haldimand and Norfolk counties. Norfolk county council recently endorsed in principle a joint proposal from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s Addiction Services Team and Adult Mental Health Services of Haldimand-Norfolk to merge their organizations to provide improved […]