Statistics for residents 5 and older Vaccine doses administered so far: 180,862 doses Number of people completely vaccinated: 65,479 Proportion of local population 5+ population with at least 1 dose: 80.7% Proportion of local population 5+ population fully vaccinated: 76.2% The HNHU and its partners have administered over 180,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to date. The population over the […]
The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) is making several updates to the way COVID-19 information is reported to the public. In light of the reporting changes outlined previously, the HNHU will no longer be presenting the number of new or active cases reported on the Additional Daily Statistics COVID-19 webpage each day. Instead, the HNHU will […]
The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) continues to make the COVID-19 Vaccination Program a top priority of the pandemic response. To date, the HNHU has administered nearly 180,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, including nearly 20,000 booster doses. In recent weeks the HNHU and partners across the two counties have been administering around 6,000 doses per […]
In response to the rapidly spreading and highly transmissible Omicron variant, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is following provincial direction and is updating its COVID-19 testing, isolation, and case and contact management guidelines. Key changes include the following: PCR testing is no longer available for everyone. PCR testing will be available for high-risk individuals, and […]
Statistics for residents 5 and older Vaccine doses administered so far: 173,130 doses Number of people completely vaccinated: 65,379 Proportion of local population 5+ population with at least 1 dose: 80.3% Proportion of local population 5+ population fully vaccinated: 76.0% The HNHU and its partners have administered over 173,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to date. The population over the age […]