On Thursday, November 25, Chief Sarah Page will end her secondment as the vaccination rollout lead for the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit. As of today, the Haldimand-Norfolk’s COVID-19 vaccine team, under the leadership of Chief Sarah Page, has administered 148,921 COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines have been administered in 97 settings across both counties, a significant accomplishment given […]
Vaccine doses administered so far: 148,921 doses Number of people completely vaccinated: 64,940 Proportion of local population 12+ population with at least 1 dose: 87.8% Proportion of local population 12+ population fully vaccinated: 85.0% Status updates: The Health Unit and its partners have now administered 148,921 doses of vaccine. 85.0% of the population over the […]
Vaccine doses administered so far: 147,095 doses Number of people completely vaccinated: 64,831 Proportion of local population 12+ population with at least 1 dose: 87.5% Proportion of local population 12+ population fully vaccinated: 84.5% Status updates: The Health Unit and its partners have now administered over 147,000 doses of vaccine. 84.5% of the population over the age of […]
The GO-VAXX mobile vaccine clinic is returning to Norfolk and Haldimand in November. The converted Metrolinx bus will be in the area the next three Saturdays to administer first, second, and third doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. First, in Haldimand, at the Canboro Community Centre in Canborough on November 13. The bus moves to […]
Vaccine doses administered so far: 145,858 doses Number of people completely vaccinated: 64,700 Proportion of local population 12+ population with at least 1 dose: 84.1% Proportion of local population 12+ population fully vaccinated: 87.3% Status updates: The Health Unit and its partners have now administered over 145,858 doses of vaccine. 84.1% of the population over […]