Community Vaccine Update: June 15, 2021 Vaccine doses administered so far: 74,074 Number of people completely vaccinated: 14,584 Proportion of local population with at least one dose: 69.5% Proportion of local population fully vaccinated: 18.1% Status updates: To date, the Health Unit and its partners have administered over 74,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine. During the […]
Over the past few weeks, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit has investigated a number of recent COVID-19 cases and their COVID-19 vaccine status. Promisingly, data shows that vaccines are successfully protecting residents from COVID-19. Of the most recent 200 cases, only 23 (11%) had received their first dose more than 14 days before their symptom onset […]
Community Vaccine Update: June 9, 2021 Vaccine doses administered so far: 68,138 Number of people completely vaccinated: 10,466 Status updates: To date, the HNHU and its partners have administered over 68,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine; 7,000 of which were administered in the last 7 days. Approximately 9,500 second doses have been administered locally (4,000 in […]
The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit has confirmed the death of a resident due to COVID-19. The resident had been living in the community prior to their passing. In the interests of privacy, no further details can be made available at this time.
Key Stats Vaccine doses administered so far: 60,847 Number of people completely vaccinated: 7,820 Status updates: Approximately 65% of the adult population in Haldimand and Norfolk counties has now received at least one dose of vaccine. This number takes into account approximately 15% of residents who were vaccinated outside of the health district. The Cayuga pod-style model […]