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Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.
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  • Youth volunteers bring smoke-free message to local outdoor movie nights

    DUNNVILLE, AUGUST 24, 2015 – Kids are influenced by those around them and by those they observe , including friends, parents, siblings and movie stars. Whether they are watching animated or live-action movies, kids pay close attention to how their favourite characters dress, talk and behave on the big screen. This is why a group […]

  • STOP Program: Support for Ontario smokers who wish to quit smoking

    SIMCOE, July 21, 2015 – For many smokers the cost of nicotine replacement products can be a barrier to quitting. The STOP (Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients) Program offers eligible participants in Haldimand and Norfolk counties five weeks of cost-free nicotine replacement therapy and smoking cessation information to help them in their quit attempt. Nicotine […]

  • Health Precautions for Heat Waves

    SIMCOE, JULY 17, 2015- Recent weather predictions suggest that hot and humid weather may be on its way into the area. While some may be happy to finally see humidex temperatures reach the mid-thirties to low-forties, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit is reminding the public to take precautions during extreme heat events. Extreme heat can put […]

  • Ontario is First Province to Pass Menu Labelling Bill

    SIMCOE, July 3rd, 2015 – Consumers in Ontario will no longer be in the dark about how many calories are in their favourite foods and beverages from popular food chains. The Government of Ontario has passed the Making Healthier Choices Act, 2015 (Bill 45). This act requires all large chain food premises to display calorie […]

  • Bat Positive for Rabies in Haldimand County

    SIMCOE, June 25, 2015 – A bat from a property in Haldimand County has tested positive for rabies. A bat has not been found positive for rabies in Haldimand and Norfolk Counties since 2010. “While we are seeing a decline in rabies throughout Ontario, and we have not had a case of rabies in a […]