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Category: Environment

Below is a list of media releases sent out by the staff and programs at the Haldimand-Norfolk Unit.

  • Testing Indicates Tularemia may be present in Long Point wildlife

    The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) is reminding those living in the Long Point area to avoid handling wildlife after the discovery of the bacteria that causes tularemia – an infectious disease– in a large number of muskrats in the area. Tularemia – also known as rabbit fever – affects humans and animals such as muskrats, […]

  • Lyme Disease Activity in Haldimand and Norfolk

    Simcoe, ON – September 27th 2018. With notification of the first human case of Lyme disease in Norfolk County in 2018, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) is reminding the public to take precautions to protect themselves from ticks. To date, the HNHU has collected 72 deer ticks from areas in Haldimand and Norfolk counties through […]

  • Two Haldimand Horses Test Positive for Eastern Equine Encephalitis

    SIMCOE- August 15, 2018- Two horses in the Dunnville area have tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis virus earlier this month after showing neurological symptoms. Reports indicate that both horses were not vaccinated against the virus.  Although the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit has not had a report of a horse positive for the virus since 2009, […]